Saturday, April 23, 2011


I've been wanting to purchase a new camera for quite some time now, but now my "want" is turning into a NEED. The camera I have now doesnt contain full manual settings. My next college class is coming up and I have to figure something out fast! Who knows of any good (and reasonable priced) professional cameras? Please refer me some models and I'll tell you what I think(: At the moment I'm going to be doing some research of my own, but I would greatly appreciate the opinion of others!

Looking forward to some advice,
        Cheramy <3


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Peacock Makeup(:

So lately I've been bored out of my mind staying at home and I put this look together by accident! It's a peacock inspired makeup look using BH Cosmetics 88 Matte Palette. The colors came out better than I expected, so I thought I'd post a few pix for you guys ;) Tell me what you think!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Dear Mondays,

You SUCK. everything about today sucked. I asked my boyfriend's mom to help me hook up the fax machine and it all went downhill from there. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was in a bad mood today.It seemed like one thing after another just to hook that stupid fax machine up!! everyone started fighting and the whole house was noisy, no one could THINK straight....all in all a fail day. i still dont think the fax machine is working yet and i'm not in a hurry to ask about it. i'm just mentally tired but and i cant even sleep :/  i'm dreading the art institute's phone call tomorrow and i'll have to tell them another excuse to save me a day. STUPID PAPERWORK JUST LEAVE ME ALONNEEEEEE!!! GAHHHHHH!!!!!

-that is all.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Picture of the Day

This is of my brother Levyn bombing a hill. I was messing around with my camera settings and got THIS.

Gifts from Casey

My boyfriend's sister got this for me at the gas station XD

This strawberry unfolds into a BAG!!! The cutest thing EVERR

Getting down to Business

Good Morning:)
It's 9:13 right now Hawaii time and I'm just waiting for a phone call. I'm supposed to speak to my academic counselor today from the Arts Institute of Pittsburgh at 10. I HATE doing this kind of shit. Every time I talk to a representative it takes 40mins. to an hour!!! I dread their call every day but at the same time I know I need to get it over with :/  My boyfriend is at work today so I'm flying SOLOOO.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Creativity .

Today was definetely a productive day for me. I've discovered blogspot, I created an Etsy, and I started a scrapbook. Doing all these creative things triggered my imagination again and motivated me to start the 365 day challenge. check it out here!! The purpose is to create at least one thing everyday to change your life. I think this is an AWESOME thing. My mind is teeming with ideas of what I can come up with... =)